Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Wedding Time Capsule

I have to admit that 10 years ago, when I suggested putting together a wedding time capsule, both Dan and I thought it was kind of cheesy, but we did it anyway.  I’m so glad we did!  We couldn’t remember anything we’d put in there.  I vaguely remembered writing letters to each other, but that is about it.  10 years is a long time to remember details!  I’m surprised we were able to keep up with it.  It has moved to different homes over the years, but it was right there in storage when I went to find it.  We would see it occasionally when we were cleaning up or organizing the storage area.  It was weird to see the lid that said “Do not open until October 28, 2010”.  We’d laugh, but wow, it’s finally here!  I still can't believe it has been 10 years!

We all gathered around the time capsule that evening.  Zoë was excited too.  When we put this thing together, she wasn’t even a thought!  It was great!  Our letters to each other were really sweet.  We even had a letter in there that my Mom wrote to us.  That was a neat surprise.  I don’t even remember asking her to do that.  She wrote that she hoped she and my Dad would be around when we opened it.  Later on that evening, when we Skyped for Zoë to talk to Grandma, we thanked her for the letter. 

We included a calendar from that year.  It was neat to see all the activities we were involved in and all the things we did together.  Lots of pictures!  We had photos of our first home, Dan’s townhouse.  Amos was in a lot of pictures, he was a cute puppy.  We had pictures from our wedding, ticket stubs, etc. from our Honeymoon at Walt Disney World.  Since the time capsule was to represent the first year of marriage, we even had the newspaper from September 11, 2001.  That was really emotional to see and read.  We were able to show Zoë and talk to her about it a little.  It’s still strange to think that she will never get to see the “Twin Towers”. 

I think we are going to refill the time capsule, and seal it to keep for another 10 years. We’ve survived 10 years of marriage we should be able to make it 10 more! That would be really interesting. I would be 50 when we opened it and Zoë would be 16! Yikes! I don’t even want to think about it.

Well, here’s to 10 more years of marriage!  

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