This tap dancing venture was a huge step for me. I never thought I’d actually go through with it. But, it has really been a lot of fun and I plan to take the class again next year. I might even consider the adult Hip Hop class. (Not sure about that one yet!)
The biggest leap for me is going to be the (dreaded) dance recital. I am so freaking nervous! First, I never thought I would actually make it this far through the class. I figured I would give it a couple of tries, make a fool out of myself, and quit. I never really gave this recital thing enough thought. But, I’ve come this far. The actual routine is only 1 minute and 50 seconds, but it feels like 1 hour and 50 minutes! We are dancing to “Ain’t too proud to beg, by the Temptations. Which, I figure could be a whole lot worse. (I’ve heard some of the songs from other classes!)
The stage scares me. Not only will I be on stage under harsh bright lights, there are only 5 ladies in my class. So, when I screw up, and we all know I will, it will be an epic screw up for the world to see (in shining lights). The only time I’ve done any type of performing on stage was back in my orchestra days, where I got to hide behind a music stand. My classmates keep trying to tell me that I won’t actually see people in the crowd, but I think they are lying. Plus, they have been through this before. On a positive note, the outfit for our routine is normal. Thank God! I was afraid they would try to put this chunky girl in ruffles, or worse, spandex, which would have been a deal killer. But, it’s very tasteful. Long-sleeved white dress shirts, black dress pants and sequined bowties. I think I can handle that!
The thought of an audience truly scares me. I’ve been practicing (without an audience). Any time I think someone is watching, I get nervous and mess up. What am I going to do with a theater full of people? OMG! I really did not think this through! I should have picked a dance studio way on the other side of town. On top of screwing up in front of family, I get to screw up in front of moms I know, church members, etc! What the heck was I thinking?!? (I can feel my blood pressure rising.) What if I fall off the stage? (Now I’m starting to hyperventilate.) What if I pass out on stage? (My heart is racing!) What if people laugh? (Now I’m shaking.) What if I slip and fall and have to be carted off stage on a stretcher? Aaaaagggghhhhh! There are only 3 more classes! What have I done? (Passing out now.)